Project Build
Caterpillar Forwarder / Heizomat Chipper
Scope of Project
Caterpillar Forwarder modifications
Modify Caterpillar Forwarder to accept Heizomat Chipper
Chipper modifications to run accessories
Chipper modifications to stow crane, grapple & chip shoot
Design, manufacture and install Chipper Service walkways
Crane - Repin & Rebush
Crane - Repair / Replace Hosing
Hydraulic Control Valve Bank - remove, repair, reseal
Hydraulic Control Valve - repair wiring
Install new muffler
Modify muffler bracket
Install Permanent flashing light
Fit LED light Bars on Cab & Boom
Manufacture & fit Bonnet grab handle
Cab interior and controls overhaul
Repair cracks on chassis, under all cover plates
Repair bolt threads & refit covers
Forwarder modifications to accept chipper
Remove Headboard and bolsters
Fabricate frame to sit on bolsters for accept Chipper
Modifications to suspension to allow total transportable height to be kept under 4.1meters
Chipper Modifications to stow crane
Hydraulic supply to chipper controls
Design, manufacture stow point for grapple
Design and manufacture service walkway on chipper
Install larger hydraulic cooler
Design, manufacture service walkways on Chipper, including hydraulic activated telescopic platform
Electrical modifications including mounting and connecting all control equipment in Cab of Forwarder